Stop for a moment.


What does work mean to you?

I've asked myself this question a thousand times and I've found a thousand different answers.

This question motivated me to create Gerandium because I believe that the word work should be endowed with new meanings to stop making references to situations of intimidation, disproportionate effort, exhaustion, frustration, inconsistency or sadness.

I believe that work must be the ultimate expression of our life and productive forces in balance, it is the fruit of a cycle between generating and receiving value. A value more consistent with the different dimensions that make you a unique person.  

Through Gerandium, I want to help professionals gather their parts and regain the right and the feeling of living their full potential and motivations to bring to the world that unfinished company, project or work of art that were forgotten within a professional quiet by circumstances. I want to show that independence is an internal state of "depend on oneself" and that you can be independent in the search for professional realization, even if you have a boss and full day.

I want you to cultivate the inner authority to say yes or no with confidence, that your actions and decisions are taken with intent, because choices consistent with values, desires and principles are the root of a healthy professional life. This is the real revolution.

I want to co-create with you the answers, because you do not need to know how to act at all times; sometimes, in the freedom to live the uncertainty, there is the answer to the professional realization you desire.

Collaborate with yourself, educate your ego and honor your productive strength, we will help you find your way.

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